Friday, July 9, 2010

A Letter To Dear Abby

P.O. BOX 69440
Los Angeles, CA

Dear Abby,

My wife says she is going to leave me because I spend too much time writing to newspaper advice columnists. I say she is an idiot! I keep trying to tell her that advice columnists are much smarter that we common folk and that I like being talked down to by someone who doesn’t even have a degree in psychology – but she just won’t listen!

I see nothing wrong with writing to advice columnists 14 times per week – as long as it’s in regards to a pressing issue (FYI - I’m still waiting for you to tell me which checkbook design I should choose - “baby duck parade” or “ice cream sundaes of the Serengeti”). Now my wife is screaming at me that if I write one more letter, she is going to leave me forever. No man should have to choose between his wife and various syndicated newspaper columnists. What should I do?


Newspaper Advice Columnless in Sheboygan

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